Breakfast and afternoon snack recipes

In this section you will find different sweets with which you can prepare a delicious breakfast or an unforgettable evening snack.

There is a very varied list of recipes, so you will find different varieties of muffins, palmier puff pastry, porridge, a yogurt sponge cake and several bars of oatmeal with fruit among many other recipes.

If you are looking for other ideal recipes for breakfast or evening snack, I invite you to visit the categories of sponge cakes and cookies.

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Orange coca
Soft and spongy cake with a delicate orange flavour

Homemade muffins
Homemade muffins
Muffins with a soft and delicate lemon flavour

Pear muffins
Pear muffins
Juicy muffins with pear pieces inside

Two chocolate muffins
Two chocolate muffins
White chocolate muffins with a dark chocolate heart

Elephant ears
Crispy elephant ears made with puff pastry  
