Elephant ears or palmier puff pastry

Today I show you how to make crispy elephant ears or palmier puff pastry made with puff pastry, a very simple and quick sweet to prepare and for which you only need two ingredients.

Elephant ears

Depending on the thickness with which you cut the elephant ears, they will come out thinner or thicker.


If you cut them chubby they will be as in the photo and a little soft, while if you cut them very thin they will be very crispy.


Do you like elephant ears? Do you prefer them like this or covered with chocolate?


I hope you leave a comment answering some of my questions!


If you have made this recipe and you want to send me a photo, I'll be happy to receive it, you just have to send it by email to discoverhowicook@gmail.com and I will publish it on this same post so that everyone can see how well my followers cook.


Please share this recipe if you like it!


To prepare these elephant ears or palmier puff pastry you will need:


  • Puff pastry

  • 50 gr. (1,76 oz.) of sugar

To prepare these elephant ears or palmier puff pastry you must follow this steps:


-Sprinkle half of the sugar on top of the puff pastry.


-Pass the roller over it so that the sugar adheres to the puff pastry.


-Turn over the puff pastry and do the same operation with the rest of the sugar


-Roll the puff pastry from one end to the middle and then do the same with the other end.


-Cold in the fridge for 1 hour.


-Cut the puff pastry into ½ centimeter (2 inches) slices.


-Bake the elephant ears at 200ºC (392ºF) for 10 minutes.


-Turn the elephant ears over and bake for 5 more minutes.


Breakfast and afternoon snack recipes

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