Cannelloni stuffed with minced meat and paté

Today I teach you how to prepare cannelloni stuffed with minced meat and paté, an elaboration that, like lasagna, costs a lot to prepare because you have to make the sauce, cook the pasta, prepare the filling ...

Cannelloni stuffed with minced meat and paté

That recipe take a lot of work, yes, but you will enjoy the result.


For these cannelloni, you are going to need tomato sauce and mornay sauce.


You could buy the two sauces to save a lot of time, but if you have time to cook, I recommend that you prepare both sauces to get a 100% homemade recipe.


With the ingredients I recommend, you can prepare four servings of this cannelloni.


Do you prefer cannelloni or lasagna? What are your favourite fillings?


I hope you leave a comment answering some of my questions!


If you have made this recipe and you want to send me a photo, I'll be happy to receive it, you just have to send it by email to and I will publish it on this same post so that everyone can see how well my followers cook.


Please share this recipe if you like it!


To prepare these cannelloni stuffed with minced meat and paté you will need:


  • 16 pasta sheets

  • 125 gr. (4,41 oz.) of minced meat

  • 50 gr. (1,76 oz) of pork paté

  • 1 onion

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • Grated cheese

To prepare these cannelloni stuffed with minced meat and paté you must follow you must follow the next steps:

-Cook the pasta sheets.


-Refresh the pasta sheets with cold water and spread on a kitchen cloth.


-Peel the onion and garlic cloves.


-Chop the onion and garlic cloves.


-Fry the onion and minced garlic.


-Add the minced meat.


-When the minced meat is brown, add the pork paté and stir until it mixes well with the rest of the ingredients.


-Fill the pasta sheets with the filling.


-Cover the cannelloni with the mornay sauce and gratinate at 200ºC (392ºF).


-Sprinkle with grated cheese.


-Put a little tomato sauce on the plates and place the cannelloni on top.


Pasta recipes


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