Hake in green sauce

Today I teach you how to prepare hake in green sauce, a delicious fish recipe with clams.

Hake in green sauce

With the ingredients that I indicate you can prepare hake in green sauce for four people.


How do you usually prepare hake? Have you ever tried it with green sauce?


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To prepare this hake in green sauce you will need:


  • 8 slices of hake

  • 1 onion

  • 1 garlic clove

  • 500 gr. (17,63 oz.) of clams

  • 50 gr. (1,76 oz.) of chopped parsley

  • 225 ml. (7,61 fl. oz.) of white wine

  • 1 tablespoon of flour

  • Flour to flour the hake

To prepare this hake in green sauce you must follow this steps:


-Flour the hake slices.


-Brown the hake slices in a frying pan with hot oil.


-Peel the onion and garlic clove.


-Chop the onion and the garlic clove.


-Cook slowly the onion and garlic clove.


-Add the chopped parsley.


-Add the tablespoon of flour and cook for a couple of minutes.


-Incorporate the white wine and cook for a few minutes to evaporate the alcohol.


-Add the fish broth and cook 15 minutes over medium heat.


-Add the hake slices and cook 5 more minutes.


-Sauté the clams in a pan with a drop of oil until they open, discarding those that are still closed.


-Remove the clams from the valves.


-Serve the hake with the sauce and clams.

Fish recipes

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