Homemade meat broth

Today I teach you how to prepare a homemade meat broth.

Homemade meat broth

I use five liters to make this broth, I do it to make a lot of quantity and freeze it, so I can always have a good broth in the fridge to give more flavor to my recipes.


Did you know this elaboration? What broths do you usually prepare at home?


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If you have made this recipe and you want to send me a photo, I'll be happy to receive it, you just have to send it by email to discoverhowicook@gmail.com and I will publish it on this same post so that everyone can see how well my followers cook.


Please share this recipe if you like it!


To prepare this homemade meat broth you will need:


  • Chicken or beef bones

  • 1 carrot

  • 1 leek

  • 1 onion

  • 5 liters (169 fl. oz.) of water

To prepare this homemade meat broth you must follow this steps:


-Peel the onion and carrot.


-Cut the onion, carrot and leek into large pieces.


-Fill a pot with 5 liters (169 fl. oz.) of water.


-Pour the chicken or beef bones and the chopped vegetables into the water.


-Cook for 2 hours over low heat.


-Strain the broth.


Homemade broth recipes


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