Egg “fried” on water

Today I teach you how to prepare an egg “fried” on water, a way to cook an egg to make it look like a fried egg but using water instead of oil.

Egg fried on water

With the ingredients that I indicate you can prepare one ration.


Did you know this way of cooking an egg?


Do you usually cook the eggs for a long time so that the yolk stays hard or do you prefer it to be creamy?


I hope you leave a comment answering some of my questions!


If you have made this recipe and you want to send me a photo, I'll be happy to receive it, you just have to send it by email to and I will publish it on this same post so that everyone can see how well my followers cook.

Please share this recipe if you like it!


To prepare this egg “fried” on water you will need:


  • 1 egg

  • 100 ml. (3,38 fl. oz.) of water

  • Salt

To prepare this egg “fried” on water you must follow this steps:


-Heat the water in a pan with a little salt.


-Add the egg when the water boils.


-Cover and cook for 1 minute.


-Turn off the heat and remove the egg from the pan.

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