Giblet soup

Today I'm going to teach you how to prepare a giblet soup, a Spanish soup also know as bride soup.

Giblet soup

Although this time I've prepared it with rice, you can also make this recipe using noodles.

With the ingredients I recommend, you can prepare four servings of giblet soup.

If you have made this recipe and you want to send me a photo, I'll be happy to receive it, you just have to send it by email to and I will publish it on this same post so that everyone can see how well my followers cook.

Please share this recipe if you like it!

To prepare this giblet soup you'll need:

  • 320 gr. (11,28 oz.) of rice
  • 250 gr. (8,82 oz.) of chicken livers
  • 200 gr. (7,05 oz.) of chicken gizzards
  • 1 egg
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 litre (33,81 fl. oz.) of meat broth with saffron
To prepare this giblet soup, follow the next steps:

-Boil the egg for 10 minutes.

-Peel the egg and cut into squares.

-Clean and cut the livers and gizzards into small pieces.

-Slice the garlic.

-Fry the livers and gizzards.

-Add the garlic.

-Add the broth and simmer until the gizzards are tender.

-Add the rice and cook for 20 minutes.

-Remove from heat and sprinkle the egg on top.

Soup recipes

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