Bechamel sauce

Today I am going to teach you how to prepare a bechamel sauce, this basic sauce was one of the first recipes I learned when I did the intermediate level cooking course.

Bechamel sauce

I remember that it was in the second practical lesson when we were taught to make this sauce and we cooked some spinach, then we covered the spinach with the bechamel and so we learned to prepare creamy spinach.

It is a very versatile sauce that can be used for many things: To mix it with pasta, gratin vegetables, make salty cakes, prepare croquettes...

Did you know this sauce? What do you usually use it for?

I hope you leave a comment answering some of my questions!

If you have made this recipe and you want to send me a photo, I'll be happy to receive it, you just have to send it by email to and I will publish it on this same post so that everyone can see how well my followers cook.

Please share this recipe if you like it!

Depending on how this sauce is going to be used, the proportions of the ingredients will vary.

  • For pasta and vegetables:

    -60 gr. (2,11 oz.) of butter
    -60 gr. (2,11 oz.) of flour
    -1 litre (33,81 fl. oz.) of milk

  • For gratinate:

    -80 gr. (2,82 oz.) of butter
    -80 gr. (2,82 oz.) of flour
    -1 litre (33,81 fl. oz.) of milk

  • To make derived sauces:

    -100 gr. (3,52 oz.) of butter
    -100 gr. (3,52 oz.) of flour
    -1 litre (33,81 fl. oz.) of milk

  • To make croquettes:

    -120 gr. (4,23 oz.) of butter
    -120 gr. (4,23 oz.) of flour
    -1 litre (33,81 fl. oz.) of milk
To prepare this bechamel sauce you must follow the next steps:

-Melt the butter in a saucepan.

-Add the flour and mix until becomes brown.

-Pour the milk and cook, stirring constantly for about 20 minutes.

-Season with salt, white pepper and nutmeg.

Sauce recipes

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  1. I make a delicious turkey gravy with turkey drippings, butter, flour, heavy cream, nutmeg, white pepper and salt. So good!


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